The Gospel is the Power of Yahuwah

Monday, August 15, 2005

Letter to Janel

Edi Nachmana servant of Yahwah Elohei Israel
To newly created newly born Janel, called to "lead her people" by the spirit of Yahwah in the ways of Yahwah, the ways of Tzedekah and Mishpat.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Yeshua the Mashiach.
I was really glad to hear you are not only well but recreated in the image of Yeshua. May the Elohim lead you to the whole truth and away from other paths.Things are going well hear. I am praying about the next step. My visa is out on the third of March so I'm expecting some miracles these next two weeks. I am seeking to sing to the Lord more and more and this releases his glory and then he speaks. As Sister Ruth says
Praise until the Spirit of Worship comes Worship until the glory comes...Stand in the glory" In your present time I recommend taking short scriptures and putting melody to them and praise God for everything. He will bless you more and more with his voice. Don't forget the voice you heard in your experience. He will lead you so that you can lead others. And continue not to worry, for it never helps. Today Today today today Today Todah leElohim, is our concern.
Write a lot and read out loud Isaiah 61 1-3 for 10 minutes daily and it will begin to take your further along the path Yahwah is taking you if you will leave behind the past and operate as the new creature revealed in Isaiah 65, 66 and New Covenant.
Yahwah used to abide in a physical temple, made of stone. He now abides in you and me and all the saints. So don't be surprised if God sends you more people to ask about Him, because he has now set you apart for his call on your life . To lead. The way up is down in the Kingdom of God.
There is an anointing with oil, this is an outward sign. This would be your immersion in water, and there is an anointing of the Holy Spirit, this is immeersion of the soul in the Spirit of God.
The first sets you apart publically in front of people to tell them Yahwah has selected you for special service. The second gives you the G-d ability to fulfil the calling.This is called Grace, Chen or Charin,(Eng, Heb, Greek). If indeed you heard the voice in your Spirit and then Yahwah put the same words on the mouth of your friend, then he has marvellously confirmed his word spoken to your heart, by his servant carletta.
(2) As if to say "My child I see you even in the midst of the 500 and have chosen you so come down for today I would take dinner in your house" He had the preacher speak out a word of knowledge which as G-d who inspired him to speak, and G-d who inspired you to listen, knew you would heed. This is a part of prophecy and agrees with the scripture (1 Cor 14 23-25)
"if the all the assembly comes together in one place and....all prophesy, and un unbeliever or unlearned one comes in, he is reproved by all , he is discerned by all. And so the secrets of his heart are revealed . And so falling down on his face, he shall worship Elohim , declaring that Elohim is truly among you"
(3)So the Preacher revealed your heart to such a degree that among 500 you understood he was talking to you. This has happened to me many times. Then the Spirit gave you one of the purposes of your going forward (to lead) and he spoke also in the mouth of his servant Carletta as if to reveal the thoughts he had just placed in your heart.
(4)This infilling or anointing of the Holy Spirit is to give you, after years or months of yielding to the Spirit teaching you and leading you in the path of G-d, will enable you to indeed lead.
(5)You are greatly blessed to have Yahwah touch you so wonderfully. But why be surprised that if you pray for revelation of truth that you recieve the Spirit of Truth, which Yeshua said would lead his talmidim into all truth.
Since now you are blessed with G-d dwelling inside you. You are as you observed different. You need to remember the pattern for this is how God will teach you a thousand times over in the future.
(1) You hunger for truth knowing you don't have it
(2) This hunger and humility means G-d will pour grace into you.
(3) He will lead you to people and places where his Spirit is working.
(4) He will speak to you, in you and through you.
(5) He will empower you to recieve the answer to what you cried out for
(6) He will reveal the answer to you.
(7) "freely you have received freely give"
Blessed are you Janel among the Jewish women of this age to be chosen by the Most High G-d to lead his children into the love of the truth of the G-d who is love.
(6)I'm blessed to be priviliged to hear of such a wonderful experience of yours. To begin to counteract the loneliness, and don't worry, I say all this to remind you not to teach you as though you don't know, because you published a book.
(7)Write down what you are feeling trying to decribe as honestly and as acurately as possible what you are feeling.
Write down what you fear losing, as accurately as possible , along with the excitement of what you felt that night when you were immersed in spirit.
And remember in everything
You are now a temple a house of the Holy spirit.
Ask G-d to reveal to you what exactly this means.
For every question you have G-d has the best answer. He will answer you with the same intensity you put the question to him with.
He will answer you with the same level of specification you use in asking the question.
(8) Truth Janel, is higher than culture, its higher than physical family and friends , its higher and all forms of Sheqer. Now remember G-d is called Elohei Emet and Yeshua said The word of Abba Elohei Israel is Truth, that his Spirit is the Spirit of truth and that He is "The way the Truth and the Life"
If you live according to my word You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free"
Our ability to recieve knowledge of truth is directly related to our willingness to obey Elohim ha Ab. If we are willing we become friends not just servants. If we are unwilling the truth comes in parables in every area where we are not willing to abide.
If we yield to the Father and are willing to yield to his Son(heir of all things), his way of seeing the world, his plan for mankind, then their is no limit to what Yahwah will do in and through.
As Yahwah once said to me "There is power in my name my son use it for the glory of my name"
Perfect love casts out fear. May be you had a taste of that love.
Well Janel, forgive me if you percieve this as a lecture. I have not said all I could say.
I was really gald to hear a real substantial email from you.
Thank you for remembering me in your prayers. Although I'm sure you don't include me in your Bahai prayers. Because as I understand the Spirit working in the Kingdom of Yahwah is not the same Spirit operating in the Islamic or Bahai or Budhist or Hindu religions. So I do not drink from these cisterns. I seek to drink from the will of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the Spirit of Yahwah.
I feel like my letter is a little mechanical or harsh please forgive me.
Read the book of Ephesians, there are two wonderful prayers which you can read in the first person or which will bless you and others.
I suggests you look for whereever you come across the Spirit of Yahwah or Elohim in the bible, and begin to understand who came and started to live in you and what infinite potential is available if you will lose the old and embrace the new. Don't try to mix stuff. The first two commands are very clear about that.
You can not have two husbands, only one is permitted. These other spiritual influences are called strange fires or gods.
Yahwah is El Qana. You can not lead your people based on a position of uncertainty based on mixing spirits.
Pursue love and earnestly seek spirituality of the bible.
Grace of Yeshua be with you


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