People of Peace
Dear friends,
Shalom to you from Jerusalem. I hope you know the Messiah Yeshua and hence are people of peace. If not my exhortation to you is to turn back to God. return from doing your own ways and your own thing to the way of Yahwah, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the God and Father of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah.
This is the message we need to send out to Jerusalem, Israel and the seventy nations. Jerusalem first because it is the seat of the rule of Abraham's seed. And Yahwah said of Abraham, "In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed"
How will they be blessed? By practicing the way of Yahwahwhich Abraham's seed the Messiah and his sent ones will teach them . When the nations, including Israel, beginning to walk the way of Yahwah, then he will bring upon them what he has promised.
We may reasonably ask the question what is the Way of Yahwah?
Yeshua the Nazarene gave us the answer very clearly
I am the Way the Truth and the Life no one comes to the Father but by me. So what do we see when we see Yeshua.
The first public act we see Yeshua doing is going to John for Baptism. Why did he who was greater come to his inferior for the baptism of repentance?
The Nazarene Messiah gives us a very clear reason
"In order to fulfil all righteousness"
He wasn't here to do the outward pharasaic legalistic righteousness but to do all righteousness. So if we follow Yeshua the Nazarene, will will do righteousness, not for public performance but secretly.
The way of righteousness is expressed in fasting?
But not the fasting as we percieve in a religious manner. The fast of righteouness is "To loosen the bonds of wickedness"
In other words it is first setting a man free from wickedness himself and secondly it will begin to set his family free from wickedness, his community, his nation and the earth.
"As for the proud one his soul is not right with in him; but the righteous shall live by his faithfulness" So we are faithful in opposing wickedness, faithful in trusting Yahwah to deliver the earth from the control of the violent, the unjust, the oppressor, the unfair, the unforgiving. First we are set free then we set others free throug Messianic power.
Yeshua the Nazarene practiced this kind of fasting. He said "I will drink no more from the fruit of the vine until I drink it new with you in my Fathers Kingdom" His fast was a fast until the final establishment of the Kingdom founded on righteousness and justice" A kingdom free from all wickedness.
Will you repent and turn to delivering the earth from wickedness?
Fasting is to loosen the bonds of wickedness, to undo the bonds of the yolk. The yolk of idol worship is a heavy yolk to bare, as is the yolk of the cares of this world, decietfulness of riches and a stone Torah with no spirutal power of understanding.
The Pharisee's "tie up heavy loads and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves are unwilling to move them with as much as a finger"
This is the stone of the Pharisees but the Spirit of Messiah is an easy yolk and a light burder for he is meek and humbel hearted, not just humble for a day as the fasters of the time of Isaiah.
Shalom to you from Jerusalem. I hope you know the Messiah Yeshua and hence are people of peace. If not my exhortation to you is to turn back to God. return from doing your own ways and your own thing to the way of Yahwah, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the God and Father of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah.
This is the message we need to send out to Jerusalem, Israel and the seventy nations. Jerusalem first because it is the seat of the rule of Abraham's seed. And Yahwah said of Abraham, "In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed"
How will they be blessed? By practicing the way of Yahwahwhich Abraham's seed the Messiah and his sent ones will teach them . When the nations, including Israel, beginning to walk the way of Yahwah, then he will bring upon them what he has promised.
We may reasonably ask the question what is the Way of Yahwah?
Yeshua the Nazarene gave us the answer very clearly
I am the Way the Truth and the Life no one comes to the Father but by me. So what do we see when we see Yeshua.
The first public act we see Yeshua doing is going to John for Baptism. Why did he who was greater come to his inferior for the baptism of repentance?
The Nazarene Messiah gives us a very clear reason
"In order to fulfil all righteousness"
He wasn't here to do the outward pharasaic legalistic righteousness but to do all righteousness. So if we follow Yeshua the Nazarene, will will do righteousness, not for public performance but secretly.
The way of righteousness is expressed in fasting?
But not the fasting as we percieve in a religious manner. The fast of righteouness is "To loosen the bonds of wickedness"
In other words it is first setting a man free from wickedness himself and secondly it will begin to set his family free from wickedness, his community, his nation and the earth.
"As for the proud one his soul is not right with in him; but the righteous shall live by his faithfulness" So we are faithful in opposing wickedness, faithful in trusting Yahwah to deliver the earth from the control of the violent, the unjust, the oppressor, the unfair, the unforgiving. First we are set free then we set others free throug Messianic power.
Yeshua the Nazarene practiced this kind of fasting. He said "I will drink no more from the fruit of the vine until I drink it new with you in my Fathers Kingdom" His fast was a fast until the final establishment of the Kingdom founded on righteousness and justice" A kingdom free from all wickedness.
Will you repent and turn to delivering the earth from wickedness?
Fasting is to loosen the bonds of wickedness, to undo the bonds of the yolk. The yolk of idol worship is a heavy yolk to bare, as is the yolk of the cares of this world, decietfulness of riches and a stone Torah with no spirutal power of understanding.
The Pharisee's "tie up heavy loads and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves are unwilling to move them with as much as a finger"
This is the stone of the Pharisees but the Spirit of Messiah is an easy yolk and a light burder for he is meek and humbel hearted, not just humble for a day as the fasters of the time of Isaiah.
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