The Gospel is the Power of Yahuwah

Monday, August 15, 2005

Letter from Israel to Vila

Dear Vila,

Thanks for your reply, its good to hear you are having so much joy.
By praying the will of the father you will stay in your God ordained destiny. Its amazing, last wednesday night, I think, was Rosh Chodesh.
It means it was the beginning of the Biblical year. However it was more than that. According to some scholars calculations it was also the beginning of the 7th millenium. The bible says a day is like a thousand years to Yahwah, so we have just entered the Shabbat of creation. This means we are close to the personal return of Adon (Lord Yeshua). The angels said to the disciples as Yeshua's ascension, that this same Yeshua whom you have seen leave will return the same way you saw him go. Yeshua is coming back. What's more he is in a glorified eternal body because he was resurrected from the dead and he put on immortaLITY. wOW. The book of Zechriah says that when he returns he will return to the mount of olives. Its amazing that he turned up to Paul and knocked off his high horse back in the first century. What's most amazing about this appearance was that it took place after the ascension. After he sat at the right of the Father.
Psalm 110 tells us about Yeshua postuion now. He is a high priest in the order of Melchisedek. He is the same yesterday today and forever.
However while he's sat there having his enemies made a footstall what are we to do to relate to him?
We have his Holy Spirit as a guarantee of our inheritance in God's kingdom. The Spirit will lead into all truth. But we must bind in the name of Yeshua the Nazarene, the spirits of error and all other spirits which are not from Yeshua.
Yeshua has also been appearing at meetings linked with mount zion fellowship.You can chack this on
It is really amazing how God is speaking in Jerusalem at the moment.
We are near judgement day and for every word we speak or have spoken we will have to give an account for it.
Here is a prayer which if you pray it every day and then open the Bible at Random God can begin to guide you and teach you. If you have any questions just write me.
Heavenly Father
Your will be done in my life today
I pray that I will go where you want me to go
see what you want me to see,
hear what you want me to hear,
live as you want me to live
say what you want me to say
fellowhip with who you want me to felloship with,
learn what you want me to learn,
Your will be done in my life today,
I bind, break and destroy any plan, scheme or
work of the enemy which would seek to hinder
your will being done in my life to day.
In the name of Yeshua of Nazareth.
Learn this and pray it every day. Its so importan that we follow not just any god, but the God of Israel, and his Messiah Yeshua of Nazareth. He is the true God and eternal life, the God over all so called gods.
Jeremiah says As for the gods who did not create the heavens and the earth that shall disappear from under the heavens and the earth.
If we follow other gods and spirits, for every idol has a demon behind it, we bring a curse on our selves and the God of Israel loves us but at a distance for he has compassion not intimacy with us. We are Paul says, the bride of Messiah. so if we go with another spirit its like adultery. And Yahwah says You shall have no other gods besides me and You shall not commit adultery (read Ezek 16).
So Vila let us seek to purify our temples and not allow any tinges of idolatry (adultery) or contamination, for our God, Yahwah is God who loves so muach that he tries to keep us away from the false fires. See Isaiah 50 As for you who light your own fires, go walk in the light of you fires , this is what you will recieve from my hand, you will lie down in torment"
But to us Vila, who are called to be blameless and holy in a wicked and perverse genration, he is the God of all comfort . Our joy is not that of the wicked in Habukuk, read it, nor the dancing and partying of Israel while Moses was on the mountain. No No No.
Our joy is born from singing Psalms ahyms and Spiritual songs to the Lord, making melody in our hearts to Yahwah.
He loves those who rejoice and work righteousness.
We need ask him to cleanse our temple of all defilements by his Holy Spirit.
Lots of grace and love to you.
Any questions just write me.
Ps work is happening and Yahwah is Good.


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