The Gospel is the Power of Yahuwah

Monday, August 15, 2005

They Shall Not Teach One Another know Yahuwah

"They shall not teach one another know Yahuwah
for they shall all know me from the least to the greatest"

In the New Covenant it is clear that our job is not to teach a man "know
Yahuwah once some one is in the covenant they "know Yahuwah". They can then
grow in the knowledge of Yahuwah. We can all approach God because we all
have the Spirit. The Spirit knows the deep things of God and reveals
them to us. Hence we come into a knowledge of the Son of God. A
knowledge of the love of Mashiach which surpasses knowledge. However
this knowledge is Spirit taught. I can teach a person about Yahuwah. I can
teach a person about the means and methods the Holy Spirit uses to
reveal Yahuwah to them. However only the Holy Spirit can reveal the
knowledge of Yahuwah to the heart of that person.
There is a parallell to this universal access to God, in the law. In
Leviticus when people approached God via the tabernacle of Moses and
their offerings, they were not restricted because they couldn't afford
the sheep or the bull. Yahuwah organised the sacrificial system in such a
way that the poor could approach the Yahuwah for forgiveness with the gift
he could afford, usually pigeons or turtle doves. The rich could afford
a lamb, so he offered a lamb. They were both given access to Yahuwah. Not
according to what they had not, but according to what they had, the
poor, little, the rich, more. The Apostle Paul says that the gifts in the New
Covenant are accepted according to the willingness of the giver. If you
are willing what you have is acceptable.
As in the Old Covenant of Horeb, the people of Israel could have access
to forgiveness hence atonement and reconciliation, via the means thay
could afford, so in the New Covenant, we all gain access to the Father
via Yeshua the Mashiach, and the forgiveness that comes through his name. We
all come with the measure of faith we have, but the faith in the means
of reconciliation. Yeshua the Mashiach and the redemption effected through
his death and resurrection, will bring us to the Father.
Each man is baptised, each man recieves the Spirit, each man knows
Yahuwah, from the least to the greatest. In a sense passages in scripture
give us two angles on the progress of thi New Covenant relationship
between God and man. The first is this "all knowing Yahuwah" from the
least to the greatest. The second is Joel's prophecy where Yahuwah said "I
will pour our my Spirit on all flesh" It is the same Spirit which is
poured out on all flesh which enables each one to come to the glory of
the knowledge of the Son of God. Yeshua said eternal life was to know the
Father, the only true God, and to know him Yeshua Mashiach. Any one who
believes in or hears Yeshua, believes in, or hears the one who sent him,
the Father.
A third passage is where Yeshua says "If I be lifted up from the earth,
I will draw all men unto me. It is his death which effected the removal
of the Cherubim from in front of the Garden of Eden or Paradise. This
then opened up access to the tree of life in paradise, which is the Holy
Spirit. As one proverbs says, "the Holy Spirit is a tree of life."
Throuh the Holy Spirit we recieve a leading into all truth and hence a
true knowing of the deep things of Yahuwah. As Rabbi Paul says The glory
which is being worked out for us in the New Covenant makes the glory
which was on Moses under the Old Covenant fade into insignificance.
In the Old Covenant Moses knew Yahuwah. A number of the community recieved
the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and hence could make judgements on the
law of Moses, for the people of Israel. They having the Spirit of
Wisdom could use the word of God , which is living and powerful and
could discern between the thoughts and intents of the heart. They could
decide cases of disagreement among the people of Israel and share the
burden of judgement which was on Moses.
The glory of the New Covenant excels that of the Old Covenant. For every
person under the New Covenant, recieves this same gift of the Holy
Spirit.They also will have a time when they will judge, not just the
people of Israel, as will the Apostles, but they they will judge the
whole world, by means of this spirit of justice. They will also judge
angels which is an incredible honour and yets it is reveled to the
Church and written for our instruction by Rabbi Paul.
(All judgement has been handed to the Son of Man, Yeshua Mashiach. He
was proved to be the juage of mankind, by his resurrection from the
dead. In his Kingdom, when he comes in his Kingdom and sits on his
throne of judgement in front of all the nations, there will be a person
sat on his right and on his left.As Yeshua explained to James and John
when they asked for these thrones. The 12 Apostles, will be assigned
Israel as there jurisdition of judgement.The Church as a whole will be
assigned the world.
If the n the tabernacle of Moses was the place where the people of
Israel came to receive forgiveness, atonement and reconciliation, to
god, how much more does the Church become the place where people come to
be reconciled to God and through the work of Mashiach, to recieve
forgiveness of sins and atonement. The Church in the world, as Yahuwah's
tent in the wilderness among the tents of Israel.The glory of the Church
far exceeds the glory of the Old Covenant because it was the Church,
which the tabernacle was pointing to. The Church is the body of
Mashiach. It is not so much that, at present, the Church, is a place
where people run to , to find God, rather that the people become a part
of this Church, and a light to the rest of the world. We believe in the
light and we become sons of the light.
This glory is shown forth in that those sacrificing and giving offerings
under the Old Covenant, joined to the tabernacle, by means of their
sacrifice. The sacrifice entered into the outer court. The animal was a
substitute for the person presenting it. It was burnt on the bronze
altar , in his place. Therefore he is identified with the animal. The
blood of the animal brought atonement and reconciliation.
In the New Covenant we are identified with the sacrifice, Mashiach, by
faith.By our reception of his Holy Spirit, we literally become the body
of Mashiach. We, like the animal (i.e the substitue for man) become part
of the tabernacle. Our tabernacle is invisible and visible. For our
bodies become a holy place. And together we are built into a dwelling
place for God in the Spirit.
Even as the Spirit of Wisdomcame on Oholiab and other workers, so that
they were able to design and make the furnishing for the tabernacle in
the wilderness. So the Spirit of Yahuwah is building the Church on behalf
of Mashiach. We are strengthened in our inner man by the Spirit, so
that Mashiach can dwell in our hearts by faith. The Spirit cleanses and
edifies us, then Mashiach increases and grows in us by faith " I have
been crucified with Mashiach" Rabbi Paul is not only speaking of his
faith identification with Mashiach on the cross of Calvary, wherein by
faith he died with Mashiach, was buried, with Mashiach and was
resurrected , with Mashiach, this all happened at baptism and reception
of the Holy Spirit,he is also referring to the "putting to death" of the
members of our bodies upon the earth, by the Spirit.
Because the Spirit is pure, and a cleansing water, it will, when
submitted to, begin a mortifying work.
As the Spirit works on strengthening us in the inner man, so that we
can be led of the Holy Spirit and be called literally Sons of God, by
walk as well as by birth, so Mashiach increasingly dwells in our hearts,
by faith. As it says in 2 Corinthians, "We are transformed from glory to
glory as we behold with open face, the glory of the Lord." It is merely
beholding the glory of the Lord, with open face, that brings about the
transformation. We behold, we are changed. How we behold is given in the
same passage.
When Moses is read without the Spirit, without the Lord, their is a veil
over the hearts of the peoplem, the hearers. In other words they do not
see the glory of the Lord and so are not changed from glory to glory.
But if the heart turns to the Lord, who is the Spirit, the Spirit begins
to effect transformation. The transformation is helped when by the
Spirit we read Moses. Yeshua first opened up the scriptures to his
disciples by the Holy Spirit, in the forty day period after the
resurrection. The apostles were granted forty days of continual
revelation of the Mashiach in the scriptures by the Holy Spirit. Moses
spent forty day periods on the mountain of God, receiving the law of
Yahuwah. This began an immense transformation in the disciples. From a
hidden group of fearful believers or rather people who Yeshua had to
rebuke because of their unbelief after the resurrection , to a group of
bold who allowed the Spirit to use their tongues to wield the word of
the Lord on the day of Pentecost. They opened the the Kingdom of God to
three thousand souls on the first day of the unveiling of the full
gospel of the Lord Yeshua Mashiach on that day. Each person recieved the
Spirit and hence became a holy place wherein their hearts were first
purified by faith.
Then the Spirit came in and began to strengthen then in their inner man,
then begann that Mashiach dwelling in their hearts, by faith.
As the disciples began to speak with other they began to magnify the
Lord and speak of the wonders of God. This was initially the whole
purpose of the ministry of the Old Covenant, to magnify the Lord and to
speak he wonders of God.By our Lord Yeshua magnifying the law and making
it honourable , he would automatically , magnify the Father.
When the Spirit came this same Mashiach began to take up residence in
the disciples and hence to magnify the law and make it honourable. The
ministry of magnifying and honouring begun by Mashiachis continued in
his body the Church.
We can note hear that each man recieved the Spirit by faih. Some were
more righteous , some less righteous, all unrighteous in God's sight,
but even as the sacrifices brought all to God by blood and substitution
, so the blood and substition of Mashiach, the lamb of God brought all
those people , greater and lesser sinners (eg some Kings were said to do
right in the eyes of the Lord other evil) to the presence of God. The
extension, of the gospel, to the non Jewish nations, continued the
process. They too recieved the Spirit by faith, while still
Isaiah clearly makes the distinction between the two elememts of the
ministry of the Mashiach.
It is too light a thing for you just too restore Jacob, but I will give
you as a light to the nations, that you may be my salvation to the ends
of the earth."
The process outlined in Isaiah is the process the Church followed and
Yeshau outlined.
First the preserved of Israel were being restored, and the tribes of
Jacob touched as on Pentecost, but Yeshua and his bodywere to be Yahuwah's
salvation (Yeshuah) to the ends of the earth.

On the day Cornelius recieved the spirit , God's salvation began to
speed its way to the ends of the
earth. Cornelius althoough being, along with many others after him,
uncircumcised, still recieved the Holy Spirit by simple faith. The glory
of the recetion of the Spirit by the nations, exceeds that by the Jews,
considering that the nations had no idea about the Holy Spirit. Peter
had no idea what the Spirit was about to do. The Spirit then lead the
disciples into the truth that he was for the uncircumcised gentile as
well as the circumcised Israelite. This was a truth not understood by
the Church until this point in history. Therefore it came as a
fulfilment of what Yeshua had said in the Garden of Gethsemane, that the
Spirit would guide the apostles into all truth. This was another big
step forward in the truth realm having a divine impact on the personal
life of the disciples and the corporate life of the Church. The wole
event of the infilling and entrance into the Kingdom of God of Cornelius
and his family was Spirit lead from beginning to end. Peter concluded
from it "Now I know that God is no respecter of persons, but accepts men
from any nation who fear him and what is right". To us this seems
obvious but it was not obvious to the Apostolic lead Church of that day.
We have learned from the revelations thay recieved at that time.
We can also see the wisdom shown by the Spirit , as to how He transforms
a persons attitudes and ideals. Peter is Spirit taught that men are not
to be called common or unclean merely because they are Gentile or
uncircumcised. The Spirit taught Peter that Gentile prayer and alms is
equivalent to the most holy of the temple offerings, even the meal
offerings which was offered partly as a memorial to God , and had to be
eaten by the sons of Aaron in the holy place.
In Johns gospel it is written that Yeshua gave us grace for grace. It is
clear that the New Covenant's grace has more glory than the Old
Covenants grace. In the Old Covenant man was bringing sacrifices,
physical , to the Lord and were cleansed by by visible, physical
activities which were outside of the man. But God had made it clear to
Samuel that man looks on the outward appearance , but God looks on the


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