The Gospel is the Power of Yahuwah

Friday, August 12, 2005

Something is Happening in Jerusalem

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord in Mashiach Yeshua Adoneinu
Yahuwah imakem and Peace to you from Jerusalem
Today we leave to Europe for two months. We will visit London and Norway.
By Yahuwah's grace
We will share about the Church situation in Israel , in various Churches of Norway.
We will worship and preach on the streets of London and Norway.
We will pray for souls to be saved and sicknesses to ber healed.
We will testify that by the grace of Yahuwah something is happening in Israel.
People are being saved!!!
Mr R of Jerusalem told me of an orthodox believing friend of his who got born again in the last couple of weeks. M of Argentina told me she got a call from an orthodox Jew who was given her number. He had wondered why they couldn't say the name Jesus. So he decided to say it. Nothing happened. He said it again. Peace began to enter into his heart. He got born again. He needed to know what to do about all the mitzvoth and halakot, he was given M's number.
Miss N of Colombia was assigned to pray in a Jewsih household. She was supported to pray in the house. After a time the assignment finished and she left. Nothing visible had happened in the house. Weeks later she turns up to Shemen Sassoon (not my kind of congregation but many love it) There she is accosted by one from the very same household. The person is now born again. A miracle had happened, after Miss N left. The person told the Church members this is the one I was telling you about.
Folks Yahuwah is good. I heard these reports in the last week. Something is happening in Jerusalem. I myself had a divine appointment with a Jewish student from New York. She started talking and it was clear she believed and had met Jesus Christ. It was also clear her experience had been mixed up with all kinds of syncretistic occultic terminology. She was listening to internet ministries but did not find a Church. Her life changed when she found Jesus. I spent some time listening to wonderful testimonies mixed with falsehood. But the Holy Spirit slowly began to convict her. She wants baptism so I referred her to Menu Kalisher. I am Charismatic. He is not. I believe she needs a solid down to earth Christian instructor, not one like me but one like Menu.
Finally the Lord Yahuwah gave us an opportunity to minister to a marrage under great challenge.
There is so much to pray for. I recieved a letter from an orthodox Jewish student of mine. I share it with you as a testimony to waht Yahuwah is doing:
Edi, hi!
How are you?
I, probably, couldn't arrive to our last meeting on this Thursday, 23/06.
So, first of all, I wish you to have a good time and enjoy.
Second, I wanted to thank you. I said it to [Ms S], and I want to say it to you too. In last 15 years I had about 60 teachers of many subjects, including English. And most of them can be replaced by tape. You were one of those special teachers who influence and who will be remembered.
Thank you very much. You are great teacher and very special person.
Good luck and God bless you.
May Yahuwah continue to work in Eli's life. Please pray for him
Yahuwah be with you all and please pray for us.


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