Locating the Messiah in the prophecies of Zechariah
Sing and rejoice oh daughter of Zion
for lo I will come
Dear Haters and Lovers,
Yahuwah Imakem
I bless now Israel, May Yahuwah grant Israel to be fruiftul and multiply
to fill this land and subdue it.
Yahwah is the shomer of Israel and he neither slumbers nor sleeps.
We are living in days 2400 years after the last of the prophets of the dream level.
But we look with Moses to the prophet who was like unto Moses in that he saw the form of Yahuwah.
We need to understand that at the end of Olam ha zeh the Qodeshim of El Elyon, Yahuwah
will inherit the kingdom and all the nations will serve them. They are the Bar Enosh of Daniel 7. But these holy ones do not walk in hatred and bitterness. They will not be of the character of wild beasts.
These characters will walk with a new heart and a new spirit, which Yahuwah will give them. This Spirit is available to all flesh, male and female, children and adult.
The abhored one taught us that to recieve this Holy Spirit we simply need to ask Yahuwah and yihyeh (he will cause) us to recieve it.
Now when we recieve the Spirit of Yahuwah he will cause us to walk in the way of Yahuwah his throne. The foundation of Yahuwah's throne is what?
Do we know oh seekers of the Elohim what is the way of Yahuwah?
Lovers and haters, the olam ha ba will be a world of righteousness. Those who inherit it will not be revilers and blasphemers and full of hatred and anger. They won't fit and they would spoil it. They will be a humble and afflicted people. As the Afflicted one has taught, they are children and babes.
Yahuwah has so chosen to reveal himself and his glory to such. On that day no flesh will say I was good and I kept your mitzvot according the the tradition of the Rabbi's or the Church I belonged to. No haters and lovers this will not be the case.
Entrance into the gate of heaven requires that we are changed from the heart and then outward. When the earth is filled with Yahwah's kavod, they will neither harm nor destroy on all his holy mountain. No space for inner violence and hatred. It will be blotted out as will be those who harden their hearts and love to live that way.
Yahuwah's King is not a war monger. Let us never forget the beloved David was not permitted to build a temple because he shed the blood of war. A man of peace will build the temple of the future and he will build it in peace time.
The King of the daughter of Zion according to Zechariah( the rememberance of Yah) will speak. Notice he will speak, not fight with the sword. And what will he speak? Haters and lovers he will speak peace. And who will he speak it to? the nations.
The only problem is that he must be a king and he must ride on a ass into Jerusalem.
He must have a dominion which touches the ends of the earth.
People don't ride on asses so much any more. Who knows perhaps he'll be an Arab farmer?
No I don't think so. So we have to look backwards not forwards to find him.
Now is there any one who rode to Zion on an ass, who spoke not to teach war but to teach love. Who began to hold a dominion east to Korea and West to Spain, south to South Africa and north to Norway. Who was Jewish but loved dearly by the goyim and blessed all men?
Is there any one historically who after 515 BC approximately, who has come in peace and touched all nations?
If we can locate this person we may have found the Messiah?
He spoke peace to those who were far off and peace to those who were near.
Now some people think this person is Yeshua the Nazarene. Some people think he fits the bill. But we should examine the evidence closely before deciding.
Did Yeshua tell men to love even their enemies?
That is to seek peace and pursue it?
Did Yeshua tell his disciples to spread a message of forgiveness and reconciliation?
Did Yehoshua tell his disciples to go and fight or to go and speak?
Did his immedate disciples go around killing any one or were they killed?
Did Yeshua become known to the ends of the earth?
Was he a killer or was he killed?
Did the Blood of his covenant set people free from hatred and the prison of harming and destroying instead of praying and building?
Did he teache us about faith in the Elohim and the power of prayer?
Did he overcome or the works of the evil one sin and death?
Well haters and lovers
Look at Yeshua carefully and make your judgment historically based on what he said and did?
Did his dominion reach from the river to the ends of the earth?
If this is so then we really need to consider him as did the wise Gamaliel as a secret believer who had the Holy Spirit.
As did Rabbi Eliezer who almost suffered martyrdon as a follower?
As did Nakdimon and Yoseph members of the Sanhedrin
As Did Samuel Raphael Hirsch and Abraham Geiger
As did Rabbi Nachman of Brelov and Moshe de leon
Love and do not hate
hatrd will eat you up
with cancer of the soul
and cancer of the body
the glory of Yahuwah
means not harming or destroying
with mouth and tongue
with gun and bomb.
Seek ye first malchut Elohim
and food and drink will be added unto you.
If Yahuwah loved us so much he could ask for Abraham's only Son
would he not love us so much to give his only Son?
If Yahuwah can dwell in a tent can he not dwell in a man.
Edi Nachman
for lo I will come
Dear Haters and Lovers,
Yahuwah Imakem
I bless now Israel, May Yahuwah grant Israel to be fruiftul and multiply
to fill this land and subdue it.
Yahwah is the shomer of Israel and he neither slumbers nor sleeps.
We are living in days 2400 years after the last of the prophets of the dream level.
But we look with Moses to the prophet who was like unto Moses in that he saw the form of Yahuwah.
We need to understand that at the end of Olam ha zeh the Qodeshim of El Elyon, Yahuwah
will inherit the kingdom and all the nations will serve them. They are the Bar Enosh of Daniel 7. But these holy ones do not walk in hatred and bitterness. They will not be of the character of wild beasts.
These characters will walk with a new heart and a new spirit, which Yahuwah will give them. This Spirit is available to all flesh, male and female, children and adult.
The abhored one taught us that to recieve this Holy Spirit we simply need to ask Yahuwah and yihyeh (he will cause) us to recieve it.
Now when we recieve the Spirit of Yahuwah he will cause us to walk in the way of Yahuwah his throne. The foundation of Yahuwah's throne is what?
Do we know oh seekers of the Elohim what is the way of Yahuwah?
Lovers and haters, the olam ha ba will be a world of righteousness. Those who inherit it will not be revilers and blasphemers and full of hatred and anger. They won't fit and they would spoil it. They will be a humble and afflicted people. As the Afflicted one has taught, they are children and babes.
Yahuwah has so chosen to reveal himself and his glory to such. On that day no flesh will say I was good and I kept your mitzvot according the the tradition of the Rabbi's or the Church I belonged to. No haters and lovers this will not be the case.
Entrance into the gate of heaven requires that we are changed from the heart and then outward. When the earth is filled with Yahwah's kavod, they will neither harm nor destroy on all his holy mountain. No space for inner violence and hatred. It will be blotted out as will be those who harden their hearts and love to live that way.
Yahuwah's King is not a war monger. Let us never forget the beloved David was not permitted to build a temple because he shed the blood of war. A man of peace will build the temple of the future and he will build it in peace time.
The King of the daughter of Zion according to Zechariah( the rememberance of Yah) will speak. Notice he will speak, not fight with the sword. And what will he speak? Haters and lovers he will speak peace. And who will he speak it to? the nations.
The only problem is that he must be a king and he must ride on a ass into Jerusalem.
He must have a dominion which touches the ends of the earth.
People don't ride on asses so much any more. Who knows perhaps he'll be an Arab farmer?
No I don't think so. So we have to look backwards not forwards to find him.
Now is there any one who rode to Zion on an ass, who spoke not to teach war but to teach love. Who began to hold a dominion east to Korea and West to Spain, south to South Africa and north to Norway. Who was Jewish but loved dearly by the goyim and blessed all men?
Is there any one historically who after 515 BC approximately, who has come in peace and touched all nations?
If we can locate this person we may have found the Messiah?
He spoke peace to those who were far off and peace to those who were near.
Now some people think this person is Yeshua the Nazarene. Some people think he fits the bill. But we should examine the evidence closely before deciding.
Did Yeshua tell men to love even their enemies?
That is to seek peace and pursue it?
Did Yeshua tell his disciples to spread a message of forgiveness and reconciliation?
Did Yehoshua tell his disciples to go and fight or to go and speak?
Did his immedate disciples go around killing any one or were they killed?
Did Yeshua become known to the ends of the earth?
Was he a killer or was he killed?
Did the Blood of his covenant set people free from hatred and the prison of harming and destroying instead of praying and building?
Did he teache us about faith in the Elohim and the power of prayer?
Did he overcome or the works of the evil one sin and death?
Well haters and lovers
Look at Yeshua carefully and make your judgment historically based on what he said and did?
Did his dominion reach from the river to the ends of the earth?
If this is so then we really need to consider him as did the wise Gamaliel as a secret believer who had the Holy Spirit.
As did Rabbi Eliezer who almost suffered martyrdon as a follower?
As did Nakdimon and Yoseph members of the Sanhedrin
As Did Samuel Raphael Hirsch and Abraham Geiger
As did Rabbi Nachman of Brelov and Moshe de leon
Love and do not hate
hatrd will eat you up
with cancer of the soul
and cancer of the body
the glory of Yahuwah
means not harming or destroying
with mouth and tongue
with gun and bomb.
Seek ye first malchut Elohim
and food and drink will be added unto you.
If Yahuwah loved us so much he could ask for Abraham's only Son
would he not love us so much to give his only Son?
If Yahuwah can dwell in a tent can he not dwell in a man.
Edi Nachman
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