The Gospel is the Power of Yahuwah

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I was Robbed in Broad Daylight in Jerusalem? Is it again a den of thieves?

Yahuwah be with you

It is testimony time. I want to tell you how God can turn the plans and actions of the enemy for our good for as you know "all things work together for good for those who are loving God who are called according to his purpose." (Rom 8) God is good all the time, as the song goes.

How was I robbed?
Well its friday afternoon, its about 2:30 pm and I'm on my way to the Western wall for an appointment with a Jewish lad who has a book for me and is searching, pray for him, T Diamond from London. Well its the Muslim "holy" Day, friday. That means all the markets open up and all the pick pockets and thieves come out to the Damascus gate in Jerusalem. The Arabic tannoys are shouting in Arabic. "Watch out the thieves are about watch your wallets." But to the strangers to the guests in the land they are saying nothing. They know who the thieves are but they are saying nothing. They are letting the guests be robbed and warning their brethren. There is no justice in the gate.
I move into the massive crush. A twenty metre walk takes five or ten minutes to complete. The crush is great. At the end of it I notice my bag is open and my money belt gone. I shout someone has just taken my wallet, my passport, my keys, my money. I get smiles. And blank looks saying He must be crazy or "What do you want me to say?"
Like a fool I look around at the people close by me. I try to stop the flow. But who can stop the ocean in her tracks? Who controls the winds? Not I. So I go to hoping and praying.
I am robbed. My dear dear passport with me since 1994, which took me to India, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Greece, Israel, Jordan, Egypt etc. etc. is gone. An epic is ended.
Yet in all this Yahuwah is with me , I am at peace. I go to frustrated repentance for why would Yahuwah permit me to be robbed.It is a judgement for sure.
Then a Norwegian lady joins me. Her passport is safe but 1000 shekels and her wallet is gone. But she is insured.
After trying to spy out the thieves I accept that a police report is necessary. I have repented and am forgiven, so my prayer turns to the return of my property. They took all my money, but what is 25 dollars between human beings. Money comes, money goes. I am concerned about my passport, my visa.
I cry out to Yahuwah for its return. However I need a new passport anyway. My old and faithful passport is full of amazing visa stamps from India to Denmark, from the States to Pakistan.
Well I pray and Yahuwah gives me Psalm 130. He gave me this Psalm in the morning. So I use it for my prayer
"Out of the depths I have cried to thee O Yahuwah
Lord hear my voice!
Let your ears be attentive to the sound of my requests
If you O Yah should count sins
O Lord who could stand?
But there is forgiveness with you
that you may be feared...etc
You can read the rest in your house and the Psalms around it.
He gave me this when I opened after a dream in the morning and when I prayed after

Why did I repent? Because if Yahwah permits me to be robbed it is for a reason he allows the enemy to steal from me.
After I had left the police man who smiled incredulously when I said I had been here more than a year and I had a visa. He didn't believe me but said it was none of his business anyway.
Well when I left at my ankle twisted over and I broke my sandals. Well praise God it's all happening to day. I had no glue, no money and now only one sandal working properly. I drink coffee and pray the will of the Father over the rest of the day. I asked Yahuwah if I was going to get my passport back . For I was praying for it but was I praying in faith?
I wasn't sure, so I asked him.
Well he gave me the scripture where Jesus rebuked his disciples for not believing the ladies testimonies about the reurrection. So I expected a ressurection. And like I said I was at peace in my spirit.
So what happened?
Well my friend Gustavo bought me some food. My missionary connections brought me keys to get in the house. (It was late now and I had not been able to enter my home) That felt good, to get inside and have a nice cold drink. This was at 10 pm.
I prayed Psalm 130 a few times and cried out in the morning using that Psalm and tongues.
I realised by now that I had no witnesses so by Torah and Gospel we couldn't convict any one anyway. Then came up the issue of establishing justice in the gate. Amos 4 was given at some point. Calling for repentance.
Well I shouted to Yahuwah and he heard my prayer. I met as planned previously, some Phillipino sisters (Ruba and friends) who call me Pastor, despite the fact that there Pastor told them I wasn't a Pastor. They came with me, to visit Mount Zion Fellowship in Jerusalem .
We went to Church and afterwards at about 2:45pm 24 hours after I was robbed, they left to Tel Aviv. One sister handed me a self made envelope.Inside was enough money to replace my passport and some more.
God is good folks. He turns what the enemy means for evil into good.
I was very happy after I was robbed to realise I had tithed, my money already. This meant I had divine insurance.
Like Abraham and Jacob I always give 10 per cent to Yahuwah and this is a guarantee of blessing.

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse so that there may be food in my house, and test
me now in this say Yahwah Tzevaoth if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and
pour out to you a blessing until it overflows. Then I will rebuke the devourer for you Mal 3

Now my old theory was that Yahuwah protected me from robbery with the tithe. And I believe he has many times. However Satan was permitted to try to steal Yeshua's life and then we got the resurrected Messiah who conquered death once for all.
Satan is sometimes permitted to steal from us but God will turn the whole situation around for his glories sake. So fear not.
A few months ago I understood I had 150 shekels stolen. I said nothing to the people in the place where It was taken. But a friend of mine gave me 40 dollars 160 shekels the next day.
My wallet was stolen 2 or 3 months ago. The money was replaced within hours.
In others words Yes Satan has been permitted to steal, and sometimes it is our fault and weaknesses which gives him a doorway.
Peters faith was sifted because of his fear. Paul had a Satanic angel follow him because of his possible pride. But Yahuwah will always work things for our good. We in Messiah always win in the end.
We must accept God's justice with understanding, repentance and joy and he will sanctify us, change us and make us more like him.
I have no insurance but God's promises, everything that was stolen was replaceable. Even the nostalgia of that amazing passport would have gathered dust after a few months.
Because our lives do not consist in the abundance of our possessions.
We must fast the fast of righteousness. A joyful sharing of the extra we have with those who have less. This is part of our repentance our turning back to God.
Do not let your clothes become old and moth eaten before you share. Or they will witness against you on judgement day.
Testimonies on the Work
One girl was on her way to a reform Kibbutz. We prayed God spoke to her in a dream and she stayed 3 weeks in a Church community, where she saw visions and prophesied, where she was ministered to. She returned to Yahuwah and went to Bible college.
Others have just been prayed with or spoken to. Just to encourage them in the way of Yahuwah. Two days ago I went to an open air outreach in Jericho. I recieved from the Jesus House of Prayer a tape for evangelism. The next day I went to the university to write a message on Justice and Righteousness the Foundation of God's Throne and next to me a conversation started about Yeshua. The man was asking questions and really wasn't getting answers. They asked to borrow my Bible. They used it. In the end I shared with the man thinking he was a Jew. He was an Arab asking Jewish questions. Now he has an email on repentance, a tape on Jesus and the New Testament in the Koran and a track on how to give his life over to the Messiah.
We are praying for a thousand Rabbis , their families and Synagogues in Israel to recieve Yeshua as Messiah and Lord. We are praying for a thousand Imams' or Sheikh's, there families and Mosques to recieves Messiah Yeshua. So join your faith with ours.
One guy came to see us. He told us the testimony of a Sheikh who is searching. We told him our prayers. The next day he went to meet with what he thought was two or three people. It turned out to be thrity Sheikhs who had all renounced violence and realised the only way to peace was to turn the people back to God. They may be turning to them to the wrong God, Allah not Yahuwah the true God, see Ps 83, but renouncing violence is a step away from the spirit of Islam toward the Spirit of Messiah, so pray for them.

The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.


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