The Gospel is the Power of Yahuwah

Saturday, August 06, 2005

The Gospel Changes Lives

For Yahuwah so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but should have everlasting life.

In the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit
In the name of Yahuwah Yeshua the Mashiach
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
Yahuwah be with you!

Yahuwah is the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He has a plan for the lives of all the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the nations who can be transformed by listening to the gospel of Jesus Christ the promised seed child of Abraham. We only need to confess Jesus as our Lord and our lives are completely changed. Are you changed? Are you saved?

We need to understand the infinite power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is indeed the power of Yahuwah unto salvation. If we imagine for a moment what we mean by the power of Yahuwah, we will begin to comprehend how important it is for us to proclaim the gospel. The power of Yahuwah was used to create the universe or rather the entire creation. Yahuwah spoke the words and in 6 days the heavens, the earth, the sea, the dry land were all created. They have been moving in cycles ever since. This power is awesome. The energy contained in the sun to us mere mortals is almost immeasurable. We cannot imagine how much power is contained in even our little sun. Imagine that limited power is from Yahuwah's infinite power and represents a miniscule part of Yahuwah's power. This same Yahuwah has placed enough power in the gospel to recreate or newly create each and every man who has ever lived. The gospel is the POWER of Yahuwah.
His power is infinite and immeasurable. The gospel power is directed for a specific purpose. To bring salvation. That is to bring spiritual, soulical and physical deliverance or salvation.
So the gospel is Yahuwah's power directed to a specific end, to set creation and people free. But there is more. The power of Yahuwah unto salvation is unto those who believe. We need to proclaim the gospel so that people can believe it.
The Bible says "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of Yahuwah (God)". So for people who are outside of the Church outside of that present day Noah's ark, they must hear the gospel before they can believe it. It is our job to proclaim it. When it is proclaimed many aspects of the creation are potentially changed. To proclaim the gospel in full power we need to pray and be prayed for. It is God (Yahuwah) the Holy Spirit who takes the words we proclaim whether by voice or by script, and energises them to recreate those who believe. In the first creation the Spirit of Elohim hovered over the waters. Yahuwah said "Let there be light" and there was light. But notice the Spirit of Elohim or the Holy Spirit was there like a bird, hovering over the waters. Do not think that the Holy Spirit did not act as Yahuwah the Word was spoken. The Elohim, the Word and the Spirit together created that light. The Bible says The Word of Yahuwah is the Sword of the Spirit. If then the Word is related to the Spirit as a sword to it's user, it is the Spirit who took the Word spoken by Yahuwah Elohim and cut that darkness into bits. Light came.
The same is true when by the Spirit we speak the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If the hearer believes, whether, Jew Greek, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh, Communist, atheist or any one of the thousands of categories of unbelievers who are outside the covenant of Yahuwah in Christ Jesus, they will experience this infinite power of Yahuwah. They will died to their old life and rise up as new creations. Even as Jesus Christ is the only man alive who rose from the dead. It will recreate them from the inside and bring them into Christ. The Scripture says, If any man is in Christ he is a new Creation. An old Buddhist, and old Muslim, and old Sikh leaves thier old man and become new creations, in Christ they become little Christs and true Christians. In other words Yahuwah is renewing the creation through the good news or gospel of Jesus Christ. All men can begin anew. It doesn't matter where they have come from or what they have been doing, they can start over. This is the goodnews contained in the gospel. I am not ashamed of the gospel, are you?
So remember if anyone confesses with his mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believes in his heart that Yahuwah raised him from the dead, he shall be saved. Jesus was raised from the dead. He was obedient even to death on a cross. He died as a punishment for sins he did not commit. It was sins which we men have commited against Yahuwah who made us all. A good summary of our sins includes everything we do which is contrary to the perfect standards Yahuwah as set. The first standard is that we love Yahuwah with all our heart, soul and the rest, everything that we have and are. A second is that having done that we love our neighbour as we do ourselves. We love our selves when we love Yahuwah. We need to help our neighbours to love Yahuwah. The Bible says "All have sinned and fallen short of Yahuwah's necessary standard (the glory of Yahuwah). We all fall short so we all need to confess Jesus as Lord, Master of All.
Well I will stop for now, if any one has any comments or questions feel free to make them.I have not even began to explain the universality of the power of the gospel but will begin to do so soon, so stayed tuned.

The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.


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