The Gospel is the Power of Yahuwah

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Persecution of Messianic Jews and Other Storie

From the August 8, 2005 Media Review: The Messianic congregation in Arad published a full-page open letter in Iton HaTzvi (July 7, 2005) to bring the persecution of the Messianic community by the Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) community to public attention. The letter explicitly details 27 ways in which the Messianic community in Arad has undergone intimidation and harassment. These include intimidation in their meetings, at the chess club in Arad, and at believers' homes. The behavior of the Haredim is described as "insulting, frightening, and intimidating" and it "frightens children" and "shows no respect" for holocaust survivors. The Haredi behavior includes "cursing believers, threatening their children, destroying their personal property, and spitting on Bibles." The letter says that this is "disgraceful" and that the actions of the Haredim are "criminal." The general public is called upon to ask themselves why the Messianic faith is so threatening to the ultra-Orthodox community, and why such demonstrations of "intimidation and terror" are not appropriate for a democratic society. It also says that if behavior like this continues, then the future of democracy in Israel is at stake. At the end of the letter, readers are asked to come by and sign a petition if they do not agree with the Haredi behavior. If, however, the reader has no problem with their behavior then he is urged to do nothing, but is reminded that evil will thus prevail and that one day the Haredim will also get to the reader, the "good man" who sits and does nothing.
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