The Gospel is the Power of Yahuwah

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Ordet Jaua

Warning: This Message May Change Your Life! Read At Your Own Risk!

Jaua Faderen av himmelen og jorden elsker dere.
Hør Hans Ord

Jaua, Faren og Sønnen og Hellige Ånden, Gud av Sannheten sier til oss:
Vend deg til meg og bli frelst, hele du vide jord!
For jeg [Jaua] er Gud, og ingen annen.
Jeg har sverget ved meg selv, et sannhetsord har gått ut fra min munn,
Et ord som jeg ikke tar tilbake:
Hvert kne skel bøye seg for meg, hver tunge skal tilstå meg troskap.
Om meg skal de si: Bare hos Jaua [Herren] er frelse og kraft. (Jesaja 45:22-23)
Bibelen sier: Alle har syndet, og de har ingen del i Guds herlighet.
Det betyr du har syndet og jeg har syndet og syndens lønn er døden .
Sier vi at vi ikke har synd, da bedrar vi oss selv, og sannheten er ikke i oss. Derfor vi må dø!!!
Men Bibelen, Ordet av Jaua, sier også:
Guds nådegave er evig liv i Kristus Jesus og dersom vi bekjenner våre synder, er han [Jaua Faren i Himmelen] trofast og rettferdig, så han tilgir oss syndene og renser oss for all urett!
Du må be Jesus å komme i din hjerte NÅ! Hvis du bekjenner med din munn at Jesus er Herre(Jaua), og tror i ditt hjerte at Gud oppreiste ham fra de døde, ska du bli frelst. Med hjertet tror vi så vi blir rettferdige for Gud, med munnen bekjenner vi så vi blir frelst. Skriften sier "Ingen som tror på ham, skal bli til skamme". For her er det ikke forskjell på jøde og greker [nordmann og utlending]. Alle har den samme Herre, og han er rik nok for alle som påkaller navnet Jaua , skal bli frelst. Jaua sier til Jesus: Du er min sønn, jeg har født deg i dag. Be meg, så gir jeg deg folkene til arv og hele jorden til eie. Jesus sier til oss: Kom til meg, alle dere som strever og bærer tunge byrder, så vil jeg gi dere hvile. Når du tror på Jesus blir alle ting nye. Du kan sier . Jesus sier til oss: Kom til meg, alle dere som strever og bærer tunge byrder, så vil jeg gi dere hvile. Når finner du en Bibel og leser og ber til Jaua å finner en menighet at tror Bibelen er ordet av Gud og Jesus er Gud og Faren er Gud og Hellig Ånden er Gud og de er EN!
Når du tror på Jesus blir alle ting nye. Du kan sier For å be om mer opplysning skrive til:

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Ethipian hand of faith and other poems

The Breath of Life

It was when the breath of life was
Beathed into that lump of conscious
Clay that it became he and lived

It was when the breath of life danced
Its way into that perfectly
Formed sculture of the envy of
Rodin, of Vigilante of Muller
That it became he and lived

Oh they can imitate the handiwork perfect
But life they they don’t have to breathe.
The scupltures stand, unspeaking unliving

And there life is drained.

Life is Near
“Open your eyes” he said
and it is possible you will see life
For it not far from any one of you
Creation of your creator God
For you are in his image
Though fallen and scorned
You have fallen from grace,
Where you used to be
Before you fell

Seek life, he said
And you will find
For it is not hidden
That you can not live it
Its keys are ever
Next to your hand
Just take them and
Open the door.

Death is Swallowed up in Victory

The sacrifice of relationships
Water thick
In the dry morning air
Signals conflicts unbound by flesh
And blood

Invisible and mind heart weapons
Fight a battle with mind and spirit

The battle eternal in its consequences
Yields not to suggestion of truce and treaty
Nor to suggestion of futility
And that which has gone on
Has gone on too long

But unrocked and untainted by passing of suns
Passings of clouds , passing of rains

For death lives and therefore does conflict
The only end , the only completion
Is death of death,
The rule of life
Eternal invisible, holy and righteous.

Many a sacrifice occurs
man flesh dies and blood is sprinkled
but life continues and judgement is set

for the battle in flesh is not a battle of flesh
and flesh it is which can not win
for the life is not the blood
but the life is in the blood.

Battles end comes, death of flesh but then theres the end
To which some were fighting
For some never breath never find life upon
Which is eternity is found

But some ressurect in brand new stead
Continue liberate for never ending ages ‘
Though nations may come and nations may go
This sun may die and new suns arise

Though heaven may pass and earth be sacrificed
Those of life will continue past all
For they are they who dwell in “I am”
There there is no past, no present, no future
For “they are” what “they are”
The “I am that I am”
Perfect righteous, the seers of God
The sons of eternity
The lights of the world.

The Ethiopian Hand of Kush

Looking back over the drudgy dusty past
Strewn with the skeletons and the bones of dead relationships
Which live only in the memory
As ghosts and memorials
To where you have come from

Looking forward in the Face of hope
Stretching the eye of your mind
To that which will breath
As these memories have once lived
That which will breath into your existence the substance
Of hope, flesh and blood
Strecthing to God, stretching the Ethiopian hand of faith
And recieving your answer “Now all is possible!”
All is possible for him who believes

Trying to breath into another life
That breath that brings only life
Trying to walk on that same cushion of air
On that same salt filled sea of life

Desiring that the torrents of the Red sea be parted
By two walking hand in hand in hand
Step by step by step
And the sea parts and dry ground appears
Firm established

I have called out her name
In the darkness of the midnight air
I have reached high above the heaven and earth
And like incense my prayers have floated on air.

And i have felt the need to stretch out my ethiopian hand
To exalt this prayer
This hope, this intention
To the right hand of God.

Eternal love

I was a wanderer
Drifing along on this world
Living according to my own ways
Sinful ways
Young and ignorant.

Then I came across a cross.

There was blood flowing down that cross
And a man hung there
Ha had a spear through his side
And nails in his wrists.

Bleeding he was,
The drops of blood flowing down that cross,
bleeding like his life was being
Poured down to the dusty ground

Where the drops of blood were falling
Making first a puddle
And then sinking into the earth.

I looked up over the head of thet bloody tree
Above the head of that man
Three words
Simple and sweet
Motionlessly eternal in the air

I love you.