How does one get blessed?
Yahuah is all around. We may not percieve him but he fills the heavens and the heaven of the heavens. Yahuah is a faithful God and in the context of Yahuah I would like to ask the question how do we get blessed? The answer lies in the Bible. This is obvious for this is the book that Yahuah had written, the most blessed book and the most influential book in all history. Well Jabez gives us one way to get blessed. In the covenantal relationship Jabez had as an israeli he could cry out to Yahuah in the context of the covenant that Yahuah would bless him. He cried out and asked Yahuah that he would bless him richly, repeatedly and intensively. The Bible records that Yahuah answered Jabez cry. We ought to cry out a little more also huh?